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Human rights and primary education: The impact and benefits of ensuring free universal schooling for children

Posted on:2011-07-15Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:State University of New York at BuffaloCandidate:Muedini, Fait AtliFull Text:PDF
The primary goal of this dissertation is to examine the impact that free child primary education---a fundamental human right as guaranteed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights---has on child education rates, as well as other issues. In doing so, the aim of this project is to answer various questions related to the impact of free education on societies, questions regarding whether oil and natural resource rich states are more or less likely to guarantee free child primary education, as well as the impact of NGO presence on child education rates. This dissertation is a collection of essays all centered on what factors impact child education enrollment rates, as well as what factors impact whether a government will guarantee free child education.;Overall, this dissertation contains six chapters. The first chapter is an introduction to issues of free child education. The second chapter is a literature review of the guarantee of education in international human rights law, as well as programs for improving education enrollment rates by various international organizations. The third chapter examines the impact of free primary education, along with other variables on child enrollment rates. Within this, it will also examine the impact of free education on female primary education, along with female enrollment rates in the Muslim World. The fourth chapter extends the discussion of child primary education by examining whether oil and natural resource rich states are more or less likely to guarantee free child education policies. Knowing the importance of education and the positive impact that education has on societies, the fifth chapter specifically examines the presence of NGOs and their impact in protecting child education. The sixth chapter will conclude with a summary of the main points, as well as policy implications.
Keywords/Search Tags:Education, Impact, Free child, Human rights, Chapter, Natural resource rich states, Enrollment rates
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