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Revitalization through adopting cell ministry at Young Dong First Church, Seoul, Korea

Posted on:2007-09-04Degree:D.MinType:Dissertation
University:Regent UniversityCandidate:Park, Sung ShinFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this paper is to study the revitalization of church ministries after the transition to cell churches. The writer's aim is inform the Korean churches of the necessity of a cell church as a solution to the present situation of Korean ministry. The writer will hypothetically apply functions of a cell church and examine the effects. Moreover, the writer aims to provide an effective model of a cell church.;As Youndong First Church (YDFC) is located in Daechi-dong, the writer wants the church to adopt a cell system that fits the community. YDFC was first founded as a church with the characteristics of C. Peter Wagner's "New Apostolic Church" and the writer hopes for the church to adopt a cell system according to its characteristics. As a solution to the Korean church's current problems, the writer provided the results of the NCD questionnaire and the results of the survey on the revitalization of churches after the transition to cell ministries. The reference study of the cell church will be about a basic theory on cell churches and functions of its structure and nurture. Moreover, this study will contemplate cell churches on the basis of biblical, historical, and theological backgrounds. Historically, Germany's Pietism, England's Anglican Church, the Moravians, and John Wesley all introduced the cell church after Constantine officially acknowledged Christianity. Theologically, this paper will observe the cell church as the community of God's sovereignty and the meaning of the priesthood of all believers. It will also examine the church with two wings of large and small groups, and carefully observe God's superiority and immanence.;The project was conducted through the NCD questionnaire, observing not only YDCF but also other various cell churches to objectively measure their revitalization process. Therefore, the NCD results of some successful cell churches in Korea---Hansomang Church, Poongsunghan Church, and Hanmil Church---were compared in this project. In a addition, a survey was conducted to measure the revitalization process that occurred in YDFC after its transition to a cell church. The churches that are used as examples in this paper are new apostolic churches, and the cell programs are designed to fit them, but the writer estimates that many types of cell systems will appear in the near future. Overall, the cell church will be the specific solution for a healthier church in the 21st century.
Keywords/Search Tags:Church, Cell, Revitalization, First
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