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Emerging churches leading with empathy. From people needs to God's mission at RETROchurch: Relate, Experience, Transmit, Respond, and Oxygenate, including a 'Hope in Film' video experience for small groups

Posted on:2008-11-05Degree:D.MinType:Dissertation
University:Drew UniversityCandidate:Huggins, Ricky LFull Text:PDF
Hope in Film(c) is an emerging church experience for imagining missionevangelism. Is it effective? Consider the results. First the total attendees of this Hope in Film (c) project, as a percentage of our principle Sunday Morning Worship Service was over 46%. Second, over 23% of the Sunday afternoon attendees experienced this as their church service, not attending other same-day services. Disciples of Jesus Christ know these numbers tell a story. There is tremendous potential for mission discernment and evangelism in emerging church ministries here.; Hope in Film(c) is a forty-day relational experience where small groups gather weekly on Sunday afternoons to view selected topical films, followed by guided small group Christian conversation. There are optional take home reflection questions and a follow-up short-term Sunday school class a week later. Participants listen or share how the film experience may connect with stories they know personally or scripturally. We can retrofit 1 the story of God's empathetic leadership seen in Jesus Christ when connecting with these stories, and then imagine ways to be hope, now. Leading with empathy is being hope; it is heroic. Our best example is God in Christ.; This project birthed a new literacy partnership growing throughout our county, use of media in Sunday morning services and laity award recognition at Annual Conference 2006.; Jesus seemed to know Relating, Experiencing, Transmitting, Responding, and Oxygenating different people groups in ways connecting with their lived histories was influential. Jesus seemed to know a RETRO emphasis empowers people to encounter God as they experience life together. So, celebrate diversity! Just as Jesus was about the Father's business of listening and learning about others for years, this same RETRO church emphasis will grow disciples of Jesus Christ today. Growing, emerging congregations offer future hope when they retrofit Godstyle---leading with empathy---in their present and future context(s)---here and now .; 1Retrofit: transitive verb: to adapt to a new purpose or need: to retrofit the story for a new audience. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (accessed February 24, 2007 12:55 p. m).
Keywords/Search Tags:Experience, Hope, Emerging, Film, Church, People, Small
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