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The effects of an 18-hour prenatal attachment program on maternal emotional attachment

Posted on:2008-06-24Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Burke, Cheryl AFull Text:PDF
This research study quantitatively examined the effects of an 18-hour, 3-day maternity program, the Prenatal Attachment and Healthy Development Intervention (PAHDI), on maternal emotional attachment. The sample included 12 pregnant females ages 16--39. The dependent variable, maternal emotional attachment, was measured according to the Prenatal Attachment Inventory (PAI). The results of 22 dependent sample t tests indicate that the PAHDI program significantly increased maternal emotional attachment from pretest to posttest. Additionally, a newly developed measure of fetal-infant attachment, the Prenatal Attachment Association Memory Inventory (PAAMI), was explained and field-tested for use in future research. The PAAMI data was not included in this research, but instead will be analyzed and reported in a future research study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Prenatal attachment, Program
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