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Investigating the construct validity of perceived cultural tightness and culture strength

Posted on:2010-12-08Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:North Carolina State UniversityCandidate:Hansen, MichaelFull Text:PDF
Cross-cultural values measurement is a maturing subdiscipline with increasing applicability to the international business environment. However, the utility of cultural values measurement in societies could be enhanced by refining the conceptualization and measurement of relevant cultural features. Measuring values in large, populous, heterogeneous societies may be subject to considerable imprecision. This study conceptually and operationally defined two constructs to enrich cross-cultural values applications: cultural tightness and societal culture strength. This study investigated the construct validity of cultural tightness at multiple levels of analysis. Some evidence supported the distinction of cultural tightness from existing and related constructs. A measure of cultural tightness was not found to relate to societal culture strength but did predict several measures of cultural emergence. I conclude that construct validity is possible despite limited confirmation for hypotheses proposing its construct validity. Likewise, cluster analysis demonstrated only a modest pattern of societal clustering of any of these variables. Recommendations for future research and organizational implications are discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cultural, Construct validity, Culture, Values
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