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A study of the spiritual awakening experiences of 12 individuals participating in the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous

Posted on:2010-01-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Institute of Transpersonal PsychologyCandidate:Zinsmeyer, Mary CatherineFull Text:PDF
This study explored the phenomenal qualities of spiritual awakening experiences (SAEs) and their impact on the lives of 6 woman and 6 men participating in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) for at least 3 years. The participants ranged in age from 23 to 83, were predominately Caucasian, and were affiliated with an organized religion. Years of sobriety ranged from 4 to 54 with over half the participants having more than 20 years of sobriety. All of the participants had maintained their sobriety since their last SAE. Participants completed a demographic questionnaire and semistructured interviews. Data were analyzed using grounded theory. Qualitative interview data revealed themes and subthemes. Most participants reported more than one SAE. They also reported an incomprehensible demoralization followed by a surrender or letting go just prior to most of their SAEs. Participants described an incomprehensible demoralization as a traumatic, life changing physical, emotional, psychological, and/or spiritual event that may or may not have been related to problem drinking. They stated that it was most often sudden, but could develop slowly over time into a point of crisis. During their SAEs, most participants felt the presence of a compassionate Higher Power. All of the participants noted a change in perspective after their SAEs, particularly positive changes in attitudes and behaviors. Some were able to reestablish and heal relationships. Subthemes included poor decision making and life choices prior to SAEs as well as a feeling of peace and calm and an acceptance of a Higher Power's will during SAEs. No relationship was found between a particular step and SAEs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Saes, Spiritual, Participants
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