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Using booktalks to increase the circulation of award-winning literature

Posted on:2011-04-06Degree:Ed.SpType:Dissertation
University:University of Central MissouriCandidate:Clower, Natalie EFull Text:PDF
This research proposes that booktalks in the school library motivate students to read quality, award-winning literature for pleasure. This research includes a review of literature from journals, books, and websites regarding booktalks done in libraries. The literature review includes the results of booktalks in other libraries and gives librarians ideas and tips on how to do booktalks in their own libraries. A research study was conducted with second grade students to compare the circulation rates of specific books in one library before and after booktalks. The books used for the study had all been nominated to receive the Kansas City Three (KC3) Award in past years. The study concludes that booktalks increased the circulation and reading of quality, award-winning literature among students in this library over the period of the study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Literature, Booktalks, Award-winning, Circulation, Library, Students
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