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Humores nacionales: Satira, costumbrismo y disparate en la literatura comica de Mexico (1960--2010)

Posted on:2011-02-21Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Washington University in St. LouisCandidate:Galindo Montelongo, JoseFull Text:PDF
This work looks into humor in Mexican Literature from 1960 through 2010. The first chapter analyzes how humorists have responded to symbols and narratives of Mexican nationalism. The second chapter focuses on how humor has dealt with customs--religious practices, gender relations and family dynamics. The third chapter studies humor vis a vis the world of books and authors, that is, writers making fun of their own guild--the ambitions, betrayals, expectations and posturing common in the literary life. The fourth and final chapter focuses on gallows humor and scatological humor. Narrative, theater, chronic and essays are the genres studied throughout the dissertation. The analyzed works belong to eleven authors: Jorge Ibarguengoitia, Guillermo Sheridan and Juan Villoro (chapter 1), Carlos Monsivais, Sabina Berman and German Dehesa (chapter 2), Enrique Serna, Gabriel Zaid and Augusto Monterroso (chapter 3), Sergio Pitol and Francisco Hinojosa (chapter 4).
Keywords/Search Tags:Chapter, Humor
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