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Nietzsche and the Neolithic: An excavation diary

Posted on:2009-12-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Columbia UniversityCandidate:Erdur, OguzFull Text:PDF
This diary is an outcome of the recurring bewilderment I have had with the strange relationship knowledge has with the desire to know. It is this relationship that I have taken upon myself and explored, in ways that are oblique, tangential, as well as more direct. The context of my pursuit has, first and foremost, been the death of God, which I take to be the irreversible post-Enlightenment condition of possibility of knowledge. More specifically, my quest and I have both been shaped within a particular cultural identity crisis, which has, through the past two centuries, culminated in the making of contemporary Turkish society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Diary
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