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Production and consumption at the hillfort site of Mont Dardon, France: An archeobotanical analysis

Posted on:2010-01-22Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of North Carolina at Chapel HillCandidate:Tickner, AmandaFull Text:PDF
There have been few archeobotanical studies conducted in the region of Burgundy, France and few archeobotanical studies from hillforts in Europe. This dissertation presents an analysis of archeobotanical remains from a hillfort site, Mont Dardon, located in Burgundy, France (the commune of Uxeau). The analysis was conducted on materials from the earliest Hallstatt period, the beginning of the La Tene 1 and the final La Tene periods of the Iron Age. Producer/consumer models, as well as those of labor and tribute are discussed in relationship to the data. Cultural continuity is indicated in the data via the lack of processing remains from all time periods, and this point is then related to the models of production and consumption. Changes in response to shifts in climate are also identified in this analysis, via weed seeds and shifts in crops grown.
Keywords/Search Tags:Archeobotanical, France
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