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Psychological debriefing for first responders: Helping those who help

Posted on:2018-02-18Degree:Ps.DType:Dissertation
University:Widener UniversityCandidate:Rose, Frank RobertFull Text:PDF
GTID:1445390002452095Subject:Mental Health
After experiencing a traumatic event, individuals are at risk to develop post-traumatic symptoms that can be very distressing. Literature suggests that first responders are at an increased risk for experiencing traumatic events. Therefore, programs have been developed to mitigate distress. One such program is psychological debriefing, in which individuals speak about the event to a trained professional shortly after the event has ended. Yet there have been mixed results in regards to the effectiveness of psychological debriefing. This meta-analysis found only minimal support, at best, for the effectiveness of group psychological debriefing with first responders in studies with significant confounds. Implications are discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Psychological debriefing, First responders
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