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Learner analysis framework for globalized e-learning

Posted on:2011-06-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Saxena, MamtaFull Text:PDF
The digital shift to technology-mediated modes of instructional delivery and the increased global connectivity has led to the rise in globalized e-learning programs. Educational institutions face multiple challenges as they seek to design effective, engaging and culturally competent instruction for an increasingly diverse learner population. The purpose of this study was to explore strategies for expanding learner analysis within the instructional design process to better address cultural influences on learning. Using a case study approach, the study leveraged the experience of practicing instructional designers to build a framework for culturally competent learner analysis.;The study discussed the related challenges and recommended strategies based on the findings that would help improve the effectiveness of cross-cultural learner analysis. The foremost concern as identified by the study was the lack of knowledge and training on part of all the participants that is contingent upon precisely defined cross-cultural competencies for all the participants. The other challenges called for the establishment of a database for cultural dimensions or profiles of learners around the globe and a knowledge sharing space for cross-cultural design and analysis across the globe. Lastly, the study identified the critical need for a pretested model for cross-cultural analysis that could guide designers in competently conducting cultural inquiry of learners to inform the design of globalized e-learning.;Based on the findings, a framework for conducting cross-cultural learner analysis was proposed to guide the cultural analysis of diverse learners. The study identified the most critical factors in improving cross-cultural learner analysis as the judicious use of existing research on cross-cultural theories and joint deliberation on part of all the participants from the management to the learners. Several strategies for guiding and improving the cultural inquiry process were summarized as follows: clearly define the role of cultural analysis in e-learning design, redefine the process approach, the focus, the role of the participants, and reassess the training and resource requirements. Barriers and solutions for the aforementioned requirements are also discussed that provide the basis for the proposed framework.
Keywords/Search Tags:Learner analysis, Framework, Globalized, E-learning
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