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Development of novel microfluidic platforms for neural stem cell research

Posted on:2008-09-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, IrvineCandidate:Chung, BonggeunFull Text:PDF
This dissertation describes the development and characterization of novel microfluidic platforms to study proliferation, differentiation, migration, and apoptosis of neural stem cells (NSCs). NSCs hold tremendous promise for fundamental biological studies and cell-based therapies in human disorders. NSCs are defined as cells that can self-renew yet maintain the ability to generate the three principal cell types of the central nervous system such as neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. NSCs therefore have therapeutic possibilities in multiple neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases. Despite their promise, cell-based therapies are limited by the inability to precisely control their behavior in culture. Compared to traditional culture tools, microfluidic platforms can provide much greater control over cell microenvironments and optimize proliferation and differentiation conditions of cells exposed to combinatorial mixtures of growth factors. Human NSCs were cultured for more than 1 week in the microfluidic device while constantly exposed to a continuous gradient of a growth factor mixture. NSCs proliferated and differentiated in a graded and proportional fashion that varied directly with growth factor concentration.; In parallel to the study of growth and differentiation of NSCs, we are interested in proliferation and apoptosis of mouse NSCs exposed to morphogen gradients. Morphogen gradients are fundamental to animal brain development. Nonetheless, much controversy remains about the mechanisms by which morphogen gradients act on the developing brain. To overcome limitations of in-vitro models of gradients, we have developed a hybrid microfluidic platform that can mimic morphogen gradient profiles. Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) activity in the developing cortex is graded and cortical NSC responses to BMPs are highly dependent on concentration and gradient slope of BMPs.; To make novel microfluidic devices integrated with multiple functions, we have also developed a microfluidic multi-injector (MMI) that can generate temporal and spatial concentration gradients. MMI consists of fluidic channels and control channels with pneumatically actuated on-chip barrier valves. Repetitive actuations of on-chip valves control pulsatile release of solution that establishes microscopic chemical gradients. The development of novel gradient-generating microfluidic platforms will help in advancing our understanding of brain development and provide a versatile tool with basic and applied studies in stem cell biology.
Keywords/Search Tags:Development, Microfluidic platforms, Cell, Stem, Nscs
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