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The specially trained versus the highly responsive psychologist: The physicians' perspective

Posted on:2007-05-19Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:Antioch New England Graduate SchoolCandidate:DeFrino, Beth AFull Text:PDF
This study explored primary care physicians' (PCPs) interest in working with and hiring differentially qualified primary care psychologists. A between-subjects experimental design was utilized to compare PCPs' interest in working with and hiring a hypothetical psychologist with specialized primary care training and adequate levels of responsiveness versus a hypothetical psychologist with adequate levels of training and high levels responsiveness. T-tests and multiple two-way ANOVAs revealed that PCPs were generally equally interested in the two psychologists; however, PCPs aged 51--60 were more likely to hire the responsive psychologist while PCPs 50-years-old and younger were more likely to hire the psychologist with specialized training. Implications for the field of psychology, practicing PCPs, and healthcare consumers are discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Psychologist, Pcps, Primary care
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