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MRI monitoring and model prediction of thermal ablation dynamics in tissue

Posted on:2008-08-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Case Western Reserve UniversityCandidate:Chen, XinFull Text:PDF
GTID:1444390005965134Subject:Health Sciences
This research is motivated by the need for more effective and efficient clinical application of minimally invasive thermal ablation of solid tumors. During the ablation procedure, it is important to determine the region of tissue in which the cells have been killed and to predict input changes needed to kill tumor cells with minimal damage to normal tissue. To achieve this goal, we proposed an approach that combines fast magnetic resonance image (MRI) with mathematical modeling and simulation to monitor and predict the dynamics of temperature distribution and lesion boundary. The interactive use of MRI monitoring and model prediction provides a foundation for a real-time, clinical technique. The development of this approach has been described in the following chapters. Chapter 1: Background is presented about solid cancerous tumors and methods of thermal therapy and image techniques for monitoring. Chapter 2: The combination of MRI and model simulation to monitor and predict thermal ablation dynamics is developed and validated by in vivo experiments using radio-frequency (RF) ablation in normal paraspinal muscle of rabbits. Simulations of tissue temperature distribution and cell damage dynamics are compared with data obtained from MR phase and magnitude images. Chapter 3: The validity of this approach is tested by its application to RF ablation in VX2 tumors implanted in paraspinal muscle of rabbits. Chapter 4: A model of thermal ablation with laser light as a heat source is developed. Model simulation of tissue temperature distribution dynamics is compared with MR images from in vivo experiments with laser ablation of brain tissue of rabbits. Chapter 5: The thermal model is extended to describe the effects of an internal cooled RF probe that may also allow saline leakage into tissue. Model simulations quantify the lesion-enlarging effect of this type of RF probe. Chapter 6: Cooling by a large blood vessel in tissue near the heat source is simulated to determine how it would effect thermal ablation of tissue. Chapter 7: A summary is presented of major achievements of this research, its limitations, and possible future work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thermal ablation, Tissue, Model, MRI, Dynamics, Chapter, Monitoring, Predict
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