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Assessment of cognitive functioning and medical regimen compliance in hemodialysis patients

Posted on:2007-02-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:State University of New York at BinghamtonCandidate:Williams, Mark AFull Text:PDF
Compliance with prescribed medical regimens is a multifactorial problem in End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) patients receiving hemodialysis. The present study examined compliance rate of 31 patients during a 3-month period across various treatment demands including; restriction of diet and fluid, medication maintenance and attending hemodialysis sessions. The group was found to be the most compliant with attendance and the least compliant with fluid restrictions. We examined differences in cognitive functioning between High-compliant (HC) and Low-compliant (LC) patients. Patients in the LC group were more likely to have memory impairments. We found no significant difference between groups on self-reports of psychiatric symptoms or perceived social support. Results suggest that assessment of cognitive functioning should have an important role in future compliance evaluations in ESRD.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cognitive functioning, Compliance, Hemodialysis
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