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Meta-Analysis: Teacher Perceptions of Technolog

Posted on:2018-03-26Degree:EDD/EType:Dissertation
University:University of PhoenixCandidate:Wright, Adrienne MarieFull Text:PDF
GTID:1444390005955981Subject:Educational technology
A quantitative meta-analysis research study was undertaken to analyze literature on teacher perceptions regarding the use of technology integration from 2002 to 2012. During this time period, technology applications were developing at a fast pace and skills in technology use were increasingly required in the workplace. In response, schools began integrating technology into the classroom. The study of this 2002-2012 timeframe is important to understand the barriers faced by schools to new innovations due to issues of teacher perceptions and resistance to change. The findings from the meta-analysis showed historical patterns and effect sizes of teacher perceptions toward technology integration collected from peer-reviewed and scholarly articles published from 2002 to 2012. The effect size for the research study was calculated using the Pearson correlation coefficient r statistical test. Teacher perceptions and technology integration were associated, showing a statistically significant small positive correlation of r = 0.19, leading to the conclusion that teachers believe that technology in the classroom increases student engagement in learning. In addition to teacher perceptions, the researcher identified barriers that could contribute to the lack of technology integration in some K--12 classrooms. Recommendations include state mandates for teacher technology endorsements, professional development and training for teachers, assessments of teacher technology usage by administrators, allocating more time for collaborative planning among teachers, and providing technology support for technology integration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teacher, Technology, Meta-analysis
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