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A historical analysis of Bacillus anthracis as a biological weapon and its application to the development of nonproliferation and defense strategies

Posted on:2007-06-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:George Mason UniversityCandidate:Crockett, KathrynFull Text:PDF
Bacillus anthracis is widely regarded as one of the biological agents most likely to be used as a weapon in either a military or terrorist scenario. B. anthracis possesses numerous characteristics that make it ideally suited as a biological weapon. While much literature exists describing the history of the biological weapons threat, there is no comprehensive account that focuses solely on the development and use of anthrax biological weapons. Described within is information about anthrax research that took place within confirmed national biological weapons programs as well as the deployment of B. anthracis by terrorists. Review of this information provides insight into the nature of the anthrax threat, how it has evolved, and identifies gaps that currently exist in the ability to defend against an attack involving B. anthracis. Suggestions for the improvement of defense and nonproliferation strategies are also included.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anthracis, Biological, Weapon
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