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Synthetic ion transporters: New analytical approaches for the investigation of ion binding and transport

Posted on:2011-01-02Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Washington University in St. LouisCandidate:Carasel, Ionut AlexandruFull Text:PDF
The work reported in this dissertation focuses on synthetic ion transporters (SATs). SATs have a relatively simple chemical structure but they aggregate, self-assemble and insert in biological membranes much in the same way as their much more complex naturally occurring analogs. This makes SATs valuable tools for the investigation of these supramolecular and membrane related processes with the final goal of developing new therapeutical agents useful in the treatment of conditions stemming from ionic imbalances.;Two families of synthetic anion transporters are studied in this dissertation: pyrogallol[4]arene derivatives and dianilides of isophthalic and dipicolininc acids. Experiments aimed at investigating their solution behavior, anion binding properties and the strength of the interactions present in the host•anion adducts employed analytical techniques such as high performance liquid chromatography, electrospray mass spectrometry, UV-vis and NMR spectroscopy. Insights derived from these experiments were instrumental to our understanding of the stability and transport mechanisms pertaining to these two families of compounds.
Keywords/Search Tags:Synthetic, Ion, Transporters
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