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Quantifying the Effects of Proteases on Viral Infection

Posted on:2019-12-12Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Texas Christian UniversityCandidate:Garcia, Irma Thalia RodriguezFull Text:PDF
In vitro experiments are necessary to understand the processes driving viral infections and to develop antivirals and vaccines. However, experiments do not completely replicate the in vivo environment, and not all cell lines used in these experiments have the components necessary to support viral replication. In these cases, the missing elements are added to the medium to facilitate viral infections.;Trypsin and elastase are proteases usually added to facilitate SARS, PRV, and influenza infections in cell cultures. While some of the effects of trypsin and elastase on viral infections are qualitatively understood, trypsin and elastase effects on the viral life cycle have yet to be quantified.;We use data from infections in the presence and absence of these proteases to parameterize a within-host mathematical model of viral infections, and in this way quantify the impact of these proteases in the dynamics of the infections.
Keywords/Search Tags:Viral infections, Proteases, Effects
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