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Promoting the production and consumption of wheat-based functional foods rich in antioxidants

Posted on:2009-05-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Maryland, College ParkCandidate:Luther, Marla WestFull Text:PDF
The present study evaluated the effects of solid state yeast treatment and thermal processing on the extractability and in-vitro bioavailability of antioxidants of wheat bran and whole-wheat pizza crusts, and developed possible sample outreach materials for promoting the consumption on whole-wheat functional foods. The first section of this research analyzed the effect of solid-state yeast treatment on the extractable antioxidant properties of wheat bran. Wheat bran was treated with ten commercially available food grade yeasts at two doses under solid state conditions. Antioxidant properties were evaluated by measuring total phenolic content, and radical scavenging capacities against the cation ABTS, peroxyl (ORAC), DPPH (RDCS), and hydroxyl (HOSC) radicals. Results showed that under the selected conditions, yeast strain LBE.11 was able to increase ORAC and HOSC radical scavenging by 50% and 67%, respectively.;The second part of this study evaluated the impact of bran particle size, fermentation time, and baking time and temperature on the 100% ethanol extractable antioxidant capacities of whole wheat pizza crust. Results showed that pizza crusts produced with reduced particle size bran maintained antioxidant capacity throughout thermal processing. At 18 hrs of fermentation RDSC and TPC values of the pizza crusts were increased by 17% and 23%, respectively. Results showed that increasing baking temperature increased RDSC values by 14 and 17% for pizza crusts prepared with Lakin and Trego variety wheat, respectively. The third part of this study analyzed the in-vitro bioavailability of wheat antioxidants in the baked pizza crusts. The antioxidant properties were evaluated by measuring total phenolic content, and radical scavenging capacities against the cation ABTS, peroxyl (ORAC), dpph (RDCS), and hydroxyl (HOSC) radicals. Results showed that increasing baking temperature increased the in-vitro bio-available TPC by up to 54%. Pizza crusts with higher available antioxidants may have a greater level of bio-available antioxidants.;In the final segment of this research a tri-fold was developed for promoting the consumption of whole wheat foods. The tri-fold was designed to include food-specific knowledge and consumption consequences knowledge in addition to recipes, directions, and nutritional facts. Integrating research findings into outreach materials may be an effective way to increase functional food consumption. Results from these studies indicate that there are numerous ways to increase antioxidant levels in the diet.
Keywords/Search Tags:Antioxidant, Consumption, Wheat, Functional, Pizza crusts, Results, Promoting, Foods
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