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Lorentz boosted frame simulation technique in Particle-in-cell methods

Posted on:2017-05-17Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, Los AngelesCandidate:Yu, PeichengFull Text:PDF
GTID:1442390005969260Subject:Plasma physics
In this dissertation, we systematically explore the use of a simulation method for modeling laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA) using the particle-in-cell (PIC) method, called the Lorentz boosted frame technique. In the lab frame the plasma length is typically four orders of magnitude larger than the laser pulse length. Using this technique, simulations are performed in a Lorentz boosted frame in which the plasma length, which is Lorentz contracted, and the laser length, which is Lorentz expanded, are now comparable. This technique has the potential to reduce the computational needs of a LWFA simulation by more than four orders of magnitude, and is useful if there is no or negligible reflection of the laser in the lab frame.;To realize the potential of Lorentz boosted frame simulations for LWFA, the first obstacle to overcome is a robust and violent numerical instability, called the Numerical Cerenkov Instability (NCI), that leads to unphysical energy exchange between relativistically drifting particles and their radiation. This leads to unphysical noise that dwarfs the real physical processes. In this dissertation, we first present a theoretical analysis of this instability, and show that the NCI comes from the unphysical coupling of the electromagnetic (EM) modes and Langmuir modes (both main and aliasing) of the relativistically drifting plasma. We then discuss the methods to eliminate them.;However, the use of FFTs can lead to parallel scalability issues when there are many more cells along the drifting direction than in the transverse direction(s). We then describe an algorithm that has the potential to address this issue by using a higher order finite difference operator for the derivative in the plasma drifting direction, while using the standard second order operators in the transverse direction(s). The NCI for this algorithm is analyzed, and it is shown that the NCI can be eliminated using the same strategies that were used for the hybrid FFT/Finite Difference solver. This scheme also requires a current correction and filtering which require FFTs. However, we show that in this case the FFTs can be done locally on each parallel partition.;We also describe how the use of the hybrid FFT/Finite Difference or the hybrid higher order finite difference/second order finite difference methods permit combining the Lorentz boosted frame simulation technique with another "speed up" technique, called the quasi-3D algorithm, to gain unprecedented speed up for the LWFA simulations. In the quasi-3D algorithm the fields and currents are defined on an r--z PIC grid and expanded in azimuthal harmonics. The expansion is truncated with only a few modes so it has similar computational needs of a 2D r--z PIC code. We show that NCI has similar properties in r--z as in z-x slab geometry and show that the same strategies for eliminating the NCI in Cartesian geometry can be effective for the quasi-3D algorithm leading to the possibility of unprecedented speed up.;We also describe a new code called UPIC-EMMA that is based on fully spectral (FFT) solver. The new code includes implementation of a moving antenna that can launch lasers in the boosted frame. We also describe how the new hybrid algorithms were implemented into OSIRIS. Examples of LWFA using the boosted frame using both UPIC-EMMA and OSIRIS are given, including the comparisons against the lab frame results. We also describe how to efficiently obtain the boosted frame simulations data that are needed to generate the transformed lab frame data, as well as how to use a moving window in the boosted frame.;The NCI is also a major issue for modeling relativistic shocks with PIC algorithm. In relativistic shock simulations two counter-propagating plasmas drifting at relativistic speeds are colliding against each other. We show that the strategies for eliminating the NCI developed in this dissertation are enabling such simulations being run for much longer simulation times, which should open a path for major advances in relativistic shock research. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.).
Keywords/Search Tags:Simulation, Boosted frame, LWFA, Technique, NCI, Using, Relativistic, PIC
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