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Design of materials with special dynamic properties using negative stiffness components

Posted on:2008-07-29Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Michigan State UniversityCandidate:Prasad, JitendraFull Text:PDF
This work presents design concepts to synthesize composite materials with special dynamic properties, namely, materials that soften at high frequencies. A typical rubber-like material hardens with frequency and a material which reverses this behavior will find application in product design for vibration absorption such as automobile engine mounts. Such dynamic properties are achieved through the use of a two-phase material that has inclusions of a viscoelastic material of negative elastic modulus in a typical matrix phase that has a positive elastic modulus. Possible realizations of the negative stiffness inclusion phase are presented. One way to realize the negative stiffness phase is by using a lattice containing bistable structures. A numerical homogenization technique is used to compute the average viscoelastic properties of such composites. A methodology is presented for the automatic design of such special materials using topology optimization techniques. The method and the vibration-isolation properties of a composite material designed with it are demonstrated through examples.
Keywords/Search Tags:Material, Dynamic properties, Negative stiffness, Special, Using
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