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Quantitative basis for component factors of gas flow proportional counting efficiencies

Posted on:2010-04-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Georgia Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Nichols, Michael CFull Text:PDF
This dissertation investigates the counting efficiency calibration of a gas flow proportional counter with beta-particle emitters in order to (1) determine by measurements and simulation the values of the component factors of beta-particle counting efficiency for a proportional counter, (2) compare the simulation results and measured counting efficiencies, and (3) determine the uncertainty of the simulation and measurements.;Monte Carlo simulation results by the MCNP5 code were compared with measured counting efficiencies as a function of sample thickness for 14C, 89Sr, 90Sr, and 90Y. The Monte Carlo model simulated strontium carbonate with areal thicknesses from 0.1 to 35 mg cm-2. The samples were precipitated as strontium carbonate with areal thicknesses from 3 to 33 mg cm-2 , mounted on membrane filters, and counted on a low background gas flow proportional counter. The estimated fractional standard deviation was 2--4% (except 6% for 14C) for efficiency measurements of the radionuclides. The Monte Carlo simulations have uncertainties estimated to be 5 to 6 percent for carbon-14 and 2.4 percent for strontium-89, strontium-90, and yttrium-90. The curves of simulated counting efficiency vs. sample areal thickness agreed within 3% of the curves of best fit drawn through the 25--49 measured points for each of the four radionuclides.;Contributions from this research include development of uncertainty budgets for the analytical processes; evaluation of alternative methods for determining chemical yield critical to the measurement process; correcting a bias found in the MCNP normalization of beta spectra histogram; clarifying the interpretation of the commonly used ICRU beta-particle spectra for use by MCNP; and evaluation of instrument parameters as applied to the simulation model to obtain estimates of the counting efficiency from simulated pulse height tallies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Counting, Gas flow proportional, Simulation
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