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High efficiency loosely coupled wireless power transfer system via magnetic induction

Posted on:2010-03-10Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of FloridaCandidate:Low, Zhen NingFull Text:PDF
After the introduction of cellular technology and WiFi technology, the power cable is the last cable that has yet to be eliminated. Magnetic induction is the leading technology to achieve wireless power transfer at high efficiencies (>75%) with power level ranging from several microwatts to thousands of watts. Using near-field operation at frequencies below 1 MHz significantly lowers the probability of interference and RF safety issues since the wavelength is extremely long and radiation is limited.;Design rules are developed to select the components of the system, which are further verified by experiments. Interoperability analysis shows that the system is sufficiently robust that coils from one platform can be used in another platform without damaging the receiver. A method of load/fault detection is proposed and verified with both hardware and software implementation. Finally, three different methods to control the unregulated receiver voltage control and power delivery is studied and it is determined that varying C out in a single discrete step is able to allow the system to achieve sufficient control.
Keywords/Search Tags:Power, System
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