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Investigating the thermophysical properties of indurated materials on Mars

Posted on:2010-10-15Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Colorado at BoulderCandidate:Murphy, Nathaniel WilliamFull Text:PDF
Indurated materials have been observed on the surface of Mars at every landing site and inferred from orbital remote-sensing data by the Viking, Mars Global Surveyor, and Mars Odyssey spacecraft. However, indurated materials on Mars are poorly understood because there is no ground truth for the indurated surfaces inferred from thermal remote-sensing data. I adopted two approaches to investigate indurated materials on Mars: (1) remote-sensing analysis of the Isidis basin, which shows some of the highest thermal inertia values derived from TES1 observations, and (2) laboratory analyses of terrestrial indurated materials.To characterize the surface of the Isidis basin, I combined a variety of remote-sensing datasets, including thermal inertia data derived from TES and MO-THEMIS, TES albedo, THEMIS thermal and visible imaging, and Earth-based radar observations. From these observations I concluded that the thermal inertia values in the Isidis basin are likely the result of variations in the degree of cementation of indurated materials.To examine the thermophysical properties of indurated materials I collected four examples of terrestrial indurated materials. These included two types of gypcrete collected from a gypcrete deposit near Upham Hills, NM, clay-materials from Lunar Lake Playa, NV, and a pyroclastic material from the Bandelier Tuff near Los Alamos, NM. Despite significant differences in their physical properties and origins, all of these materials have thermal inertia values consistent with inferred indurated surfaces on Mars. There are no strong correlations between the thermal and physical properties of the collected samples due to thermal effects of the fabrics of the indurated materials.1Thermal Emission Spectrometer onboard the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft. 2Thermal Emission Imaging System onboard the Mars Odyssey spacecraft...
Keywords/Search Tags:Indurated materials, Mars, Thermal, Remote-sensing
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