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Colliding Magnetic Flux Ropes and Quasi-Separatrix Layers in a Laboratory Plasma

Posted on:2011-08-12Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, Los AngelesCandidate:Lawrence, Eric EugeneFull Text:PDF
An experimental study of the dynamics of colliding magnetic flux ropes and the magnetic reconnection that occurs during these collisions is presented. A magnetic flux rope is a bundle of twisted magnetic field lines that is ubiquitous in space and solar plasmas. The flux ropes are created in the Large Plasma Device (LAPD) using two heated lanthanum hexaboride (LaB6) cathodes that inject currents into the background plasma. The currents are initially parallel to the background magnetic field. The azimuthal field of each current together with the background axial field create helical twisted flux ropes. It is found that the flux ropes rotate in time (corkscrew) and collide with each other. During a collision, antiparallel magnetic fields can undergo magnetic reconnection. When these collisions occur, we observe current layers flowing in the opposite direction of the injected current, a signatuare of reconnection.;Analysis of the three-dimensional magnetic field lines shows the existence of quasi-separatrix layers (QSLs). These are regions in the magnetic configuration where there are large spatial gradients in the connectivity of field line footpoints in the boundary surfaces. QSLs are thought to be favorable sites for magnetic reconnection. It is shown that the location and shape of the QSL is similar to what is seen in simulations of merging flux ropes. Furthermore, the field line structure of the QSL is similar to that of a twisted hyperbolic flux tube (HFT). An HFT is a type of QSL that has been shown to be a preferred site for current sheet formation in simulations of interacting coronal loops. The HFT in this experiment is found to be generally near the reverse current layers, although the agreement is not perfect. Looking at the time evolution of the QSL, we find that the QSL cross-sectional area grows and contracts at the same time that the flux ropes collide and that the reverse current layers appear. Analysis of the field line motion shows that, during reconnection, bundles of field lines rapidly flip across the QSLs. This is analagous to the way that field lines are pushed across a separatrix in 2D reconnection.
Keywords/Search Tags:Flux ropes, Magnetic, Reconnection, QSL, Field, Layers
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