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Job transition, bridge work & their effects on health outcomes

Posted on:2010-01-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Massachusetts BostonCandidate:Morgan, Allan EFull Text:PDF
Using data from wave 1 and wave 2 of the HRS, this study has two objectives: (1) to investigate how the experience of job transition events when full-time workers are in their 50s shapes entry into bridge employment, and (2) to explore the effect of job transition events and the effect of bridge work on health outcomes over time. Job transition events may be involuntary, voluntary, or health-related. Although involuntary events have been associated with adverse economic consequences and detrimental effects on health, many events are voluntary and their effects have not previously been explored. The key findings suggest entry into bridge work is less likely after voluntary events than after involuntary events, but experiencing any type of event increases the risk of worse health outcomes over time. The last key finding suggests engaging in bridge work will have a moderating effect increasing the likelihood of better health outcomes over time. During the early decades of the 21 st century, bridge work is poised to become more common after voluntary exits from career work. Economic factors and an aging workforce suggest some older workers will move into bridge work by default, while others will exercise a preference to gradually transition from work to retirement. Bridge work offers economic, social and psychological benefits.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bridge work, Transition, Health outcomes, Effect
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