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The Edible Myth

Posted on:2007-05-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Hawai'i at ManoaCandidate:Frakes, Clinton JohnFull Text:PDF
The Edible Myth is a collection of original poetry composed from 2000 to 2006 in four sections: "Autochthonies," "Unreal Cities," "The Days of Red & Blue" and "Icons, Elegies & Epistles." The larger thematic container for the collection is a poetic exploration of the manifestations of "personal mythology" in the spheres of desire, established myth, and both vision/dream and quotidian realities. The modalities range from objective and natural studies resembling contemporary haiku to modern variations of the ode and elegy, to language experiments employing spontaneous methods of composition. A deliberate embrace and conversation with literary forbearers is a major component of the work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Edible
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