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Structure-property relationships in semicrystalline copolymers and ionomers

Posted on:2007-12-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Princeton UniversityCandidate:Wakabayashi, KatsuyukiFull Text:PDF
Many outstanding physical properties of ethylene/(meth)acrylic acid (E/(M)AA) copolymers and ionomers are associated with their nanometer-scale morphology, which consists of ethylene crystallites, amorphous segments, and acid/ionic functional groups. The goal of this dissertation is a fundamental understanding of the interplay between these structural motifs and the consequent effects on the material properties. We identify small-strain modulus as a key mechanical property and investigate its dependence upon material structure through X-ray scattering, calorimetry, and mechanical property measurements.; We first treat E/(M)AA copolymers as composites of polyethylene crystallites and amorphous regions, and establish a quantitative combining rule to describe the copolymer modulus. At temperatures above the Tg of the copolymers, a monotonic increase in modulus with crystallinity is quantitatively described by the Davies equation for two-phase composites, which serves as the basis for separating the effects of amorphous and crystalline phases throughout this dissertation. The room-temperature modulus of E/(M)AA copolymers is concurrently affected by ethylene crystallinity and proximity to the amorphous phase Tg, which rises through room temperature with increasing comonomer content.; In E/(M)AA ionomers, phase separation and aggregation of ionic groups provide additional stiffness and toughness. Ionomers are modeled as composites of crystallites and ionically crosslinked rubber, whose amorphous phase modulus far above the ionomer Tg is satisfactorily described by simple rubber elasticity theory. Thermomechanical analyses probe the multi-step relaxation behavior of E/(M)AA ionomers and lead to the development of a new semicrystalline ionomer morphological model, wherein secondary crystallites and ionic aggregates together form rigid percolated pathways throughout the amorphous phase.; Metal soaps are oligomeric analogs of E/(M)AA ionomers, which can be blended into ionomers to achieve high ion content and in turn desirable physical properties. We assess the compatibility of various types of metal soaps with E/(M)AA ionomers, and investigate how the soap modifies the ionomers' structure and properties. The mechanical properties and phase behavior of these hybrids, which are found to differ significantly depending on the neutralizing cation type and crystallinizability of the metal soap, are traced back to various levels of molecular coassembly involving the hydrocarbon chains and/or the ionic groups of both entities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ionomers, Copolymers
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