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Hydrothermal fault zone mapping using seismic and electrical measurements

Posted on:2007-02-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Duke UniversityCandidate:Onacha, Stephen AlumasaFull Text:PDF
This dissertation presents a new method of using earthquakes and resistivity data to characterize permeable hydrothermal reservoirs. The method is applied to field examples from Casa Diablo in the Long Valley Caldera, California; Mt. Longonot, Kenya; and Krafla, Iceland. The new method has significant practical value in the exploration and production of geothermal energy.;The method uses P- and S-wave velocity, S-wave polarization and splitting magnitude, resistivity and magnetotelluric (MT) strike directions to determine fracture-porosity and orientation. The conceptual model used to characterize the buried, fluid-circulating fault zones in hydrothermal systems is based on geological and fracture models. The method has been tested with field earthquake and resistivity data; core samples; temperature measurements; and, for the case of Krafla, with a drilled well.;The use of resistivity and microearthquake measurements is based on theoretical formulation of shared porosity, anisotropy and polarization. The relation of resistivity and a double porosity-operator is solved using a basis function. The porosity-operator is used to generate a correlation function between P-wave velocity and resistivity. This correlation is then used to generate P-wave velocity from 2-D resistivity models. The resistivity models are generated from magnetotelluric (MT) by using the Non-Linear Conjugate Gradient (NLCG) inversion method.;The seismic and electrical measurements used come from portable, multi station microearthquake (MEQ) monitoring networks and multi-profile, MT and transient electromagnetic (TEM) observation campaigns. The main conclusions in this dissertation are listed below: (1) Strong evidence exists for correlation between MT strike direction and anisotropy and MEQ S-wave splitting at sites close to fluid-filled fracture zones. (2) A porosity operator generated from a double porosity model has been used to generate valid P-wave velocity models from resistivity data. This approach is being developed further into a joint inversion scheme. (3) Joint interpretation of MEQ and resistivity data shows that at the Krafla high temperature hydrothermal system earthquakes occur mainly above the partially molten magma chamber and on the boundary between the deep low and high resistivity. (4) A high density of fluid-filled fractures bound by less fractured host rocks exist the at Krafla and Longonot hydrothermal systems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hydrothermal, Using, Resistivity, Method, Measurements, Krafla
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