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Multi-scale cell/surface interaction on modified titanium aluminum vanadium surfaces

Posted on:2010-03-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Princeton UniversityCandidate:Chen, JianboFull Text:PDF
This dissertation presents a series of experimental studies of the effects of multi-scale cell/surface interactions on modified Ti-6Al-4V surfaces. These include laser-grooved surfaces; porous structures and RGD-coated laser-grooved surfaces.;A nano-second DPSS UV lasers with a Gaussian pulse energy profile was used to introduce the desired micro-groove geometries onto Ti-6Al-4V surfaces. This was done without inducing micro-cracks or significant changes in surface chemistry within the heat affected zones. The desired 8-12 mum groove depths and widths were achieved by the control of pulse frequency, scan speed, and the lens focal length that controls spot size.;The interactions between human osteosarcoma (HOS) cells and laser-grooved Ti-6Al-4V surfaces were investigated after 48 hours of cell culture. The cell behavior, including cell spreading, alignment and adhesion, was elucidated using scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), immuno-fluorescence staining and enzymatic detachment. Contact guidance was shown to increase as grooved spacing decreased. For the range of micro-groove geometries studied, micro-grooves with groove spacings of 20 mum provided the best combination of cell orientation and adhesion. Short-term adhesion experiments (15 mins to 1 day) also revealed that there is a positive correlation between cell orientation and cell adhesion. Contact guidance on the micro-grooved surfaces is shown to be enhanced by nano- and micro-scale asperities that provide sites for the attachment of lamellopodia during cell locomotion and spreading. Contact guidance is also promoted by the geometrical confinement provided by laser grooves.;An experimental study of initial cell spreading and ingrowth into Ti-6Al-4V porous structures was also carried out on porous structures with different pore sizes and geometries. A combination of SEM, the tetrazolium salt (MTT) colorimetric assay and enzymatic detachment were used to study cell spreading and adhesion. The extent of cell ingrowth, pore coverage, cell adhesion and proliferation was observed to increase with decreasing pore size. It was found that fiber geometries provided guidance for cell spreading along the fiber directions. However, the larger gaps in fiber geometries made pore bridging difficult.;Finally, this dissertation presents an in vivo study of the combined effects of laser microgrooving and RGD-coating on the osseointegration of implanted Ti-6Al-4V pins. Both histological and biomechanical results show that the combination of laser microgrooving and RGD-coating results in improved osseointegration over the control surfaces. All the above findings have important implications for future orthopedic and dental implant design.
Keywords/Search Tags:Surfaces, Cell
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