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Characterization of heavy oils and bitumens

Posted on:2011-03-10Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Nji, Gerd Ndab-TahFull Text:PDF
There is a large body of data and plethora of methodologies currently available for the design and simulation of processes involving conventional oils. Yet, these methodologies are not often appropriate for the study of simulation processes of heavy oils and bitumens. This emphasis on conventional oils may account for the poor prediction capabilities of physical properties required for reservoir simulation and process design for the heavy oils and bitumens. Notable gaps in good predictive capabilities are those related to the vapour pressure of heavier cuts, liquid heat capacities, and transport properties.;New correlations for predicting the critical temperature, critical pressure, acentric factor and vapour pressures for heavy oil and bitumen fractions were developed using only carbon number, molecular weight, and specific gravity. The vapour pressure correlation was used to estimate average boiling points of SARA fractions thereby creating a simple, consistent and expedient way to extrapolate measured distillation data.;The research project also focused on the extension of the Peng-Robinson (PR) Equation of State (EOS) to more accurately predict vapour pressures of heavy oils and bitumens via the inclusion of a new alpha function. Together, the characterization methodology and the modified EOS provide a more rigorous modeling approach for heavy oils and bitumens.;The main objective of this research project was to develop a comprehensive methodology for the characterization of heavy oils and bitumens. A new procedure was developed to generate a complete True Boiling Point (TBP) curve for the distillate fractions of heavy oils and bitumens using an inter-conversion method to convert the Bruno and ASTM D5236 distillation data to TBP data. SARA analysis was proposed to extrapolate the TBP curve over the non-distillable fraction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Heavy oils, Data, TBP, Characterization
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