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Employing double-stranded DNA probes on colloidal substrates for competitive hybridization events

Posted on:2011-04-14Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Georgia Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Baker, Bryan AlexanderFull Text:PDF
DNA has found application beyond its biological function in the cell in a variety of materials assembly systems as well as nucleic acid-based detection devices. In the current research, double-stranded DNA probes are applied in both a colloidal particle assembly and fluorescent assay approach utilizing competitive hybridization interactions. The responsiveness of the double-stranded probes (dsProbes) was tuned by sequence design and tested against a variety of nucleic acid targets. Chapter 1 provides a review of the particle substrate used in the current research, colloidal particles, as well as examines previous applications of DNA in assembly and nucleic acid detection formats. Chapter 2 discusses the formation of fluorescent satellites, or similarly termed fluorescent micelles, via DNA hybridization. The effects of DNA duplex sequence, temperature at which assembly occurs, and oligonucleotide density are variables considered with preferential assembly observed for low oligonucleotide density particles. Chapter 3 demonstrates the controlled disassembly of these satellite structures via competitive hybridization with a soluble target strand. Chapter 4 examines DNA duplexes as fluorescent dsProbes and characterizes the kinetics of competitive hybridization between immobilized dsProbes and solution targets of interest. The sequence-based affinities of dsProbes as well as location of an embedded target sequence are both variables explored in this study. Based on the sequence design of the dsProbes, a range of kinetics responses are observed. Chapter 5 also examines the kinetics of competitive hybridization with dsProbes but with a focus on the specificity of competitive target by including mismatches within a short 15 base competitive target. Chapter 6 examines the effects of dsProbe orientation relative to the particle surface as well as substrate particle size. The kinetics of displacement of DNA targets with those of RNA targets of analogous sequence are also discussed. The results of this study indicate discrimination in competitive hybridization between perfectly matched and mismatched targets, targets of varied mismatch location, and DNA versus RNA competitive targets. In Chapter 7 key aspects of the nearest neighbor thermodynamic model are examined from the literature to analyze the dsProbes and secondary duplexes. Discrepancies are discovered between the predicted and experimentally observed competitive displacement of the dsProbes by various targets. Finally, Chapter 8 compares and contrasts the use of dsProbes with modern nucleic acid assay methodologies. General guidelines are suggested for future applications of dsProbes in nucleic acid detection formats.
Keywords/Search Tags:DNA, Competitive hybridization, Dsprobes, Nucleic acid, Assembly, Double-stranded, Colloidal, Targets
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