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Evaluation of extraction chromatography resins for rapid actinide analysis

Posted on:2010-06-15Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Nevada, Las VegasCandidate:Gostic, Julie MarisaFull Text:PDF
In this work, physical and chemical parameters associated with extraction chromatography separation procedures were investigated for rapid actinide analysis. A vacuum box system was designed in-house and was characterized in terms of flow rate reproducibility, matrix effects on flow rate for sequential elution, and actinide separation efficiency using different types of resin (TEVA, DGA and TRU). Results indicated that the columnar kinetics of the resins were sufficiently rapid to run high purity samples through the unit over a wide range of flow rates for all resin types. Single matrix interferences at a metal ion ratio of 1:106 relative to the actinide of interest affected separation efficiency with some resins and a flow rate dependency was observed. After parameter optimization, the system was used to isolate Pu for isotopic analysis from dissolved particles from a nuclear warhead that was destroyed in a fire 50 years ago. Isotopic analysis was obtained by a combination of radiometric and mass-based methods using cerium fluoride (CeF3) micro-precipitation for sample preparation. The results of these experiments were compared to historical record surrounding the source of the particles.
Keywords/Search Tags:Actinide, Rapid, Resins
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