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Structure and dynamics in two-electron atoms

Posted on:2008-07-14Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of VirginiaCandidate:Shuman, Edward SomervilleFull Text:PDF
In this dissertation, I present experimental studies of two-electron atoms. I have been primarily concerned with the effects of external perturbations on dielectronic recombination (DR). Specifically I have examined dielectronic recombination in the presence of electric, microwave, and combined electric and magnetic fields. These measurements illustrate that any external perturbation must have a coupling in excess of the autoionization rate to affect the DR rate. I have also studied the structure of two-electron atoms using microwave resonance techniques. In particular I present experiments which provide new insight into the core polarization model and which provide techniques for measuring both bound and autoionizing energy levels with microwaves.
Keywords/Search Tags:Two-electron
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