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Evolution of substructure in galaxy clusters as observed in X-rays

Posted on:2009-04-17Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, IrvineCandidate:Hart, Brian CurtisFull Text:PDF
Evolution of global morphology of galaxy clusters as seen in the X-rays was measured, using a variety of morphological measures at different radii, and by accounting for Poisson noise in images. Ellipticities and the multipole-moment power ratios of Buote & Tsai (1995,1996), were used. The power ratios PR2, PR3, PR 4, and PRpk 1 served to quantify morphology. A sample of 143 galaxy clusters at redshifts 0.1028 < z < 1.273 was assembled using Chandra archive data as of August, 2006. Multiple observations of sources were merged, when available, for enhanced signal-to-noise. Galaxy cluster morphologies were probed in circular apertures whose radii were 300h-170 kpc and 500h-170 kpc. We find significant evolution of cluster morphology with redshift, as measured by PR3, PR4 , and PRpk 1 at the 3-4sigma level at both scales, with PR 3 exhibiting a sensitivity to noise-correction at 300h-170 kpc. Results for ellipticity and PR2 are consistent with no evolution. We find that PRpk 1 is an ideal staitistic to use for probing morphology evolution as it sees evolution at both scales, regardless of whether noise-correction is applied. Our results for evolution of PR2, PR3, and PR4 are fully consistent with previous observational work. Jeltema et al. (2005) see no consistency of PR4 at 500h-170 kpc with evolution when they apply their noise-correction, which is in disagreement with our results. Furthermore, our results for the evolution of cluster ellipticity with redshift fail to explain away, e.g., the predictions of Ho et al. (2006).
Keywords/Search Tags:Evolution, Galaxy clusters, Morphology
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