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Continuous homotopy fixed point spectra: Finiteness properties and computations

Posted on:2010-02-07Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of WashingtonCandidate:Winfree, TroyFull Text:PDF
Given a closed subgroup G of the Morava stabilizer group Sn, let EhGn denote the continuous homotopy fixed point spectrum of Devinatz and Hopkins. We examine the case G=WF0pn via computations in the Bockstein spectral sequence H*c&parl0;&parl0;WF0 pn&parr0; pk,Fp n&sqbl0;u+/- &sqbr0;&parr0;⇒H* c&parl0;&parl0;WF0 pn&parr0;pk ,Fpn &sqbl0;&sqbl0;un-1 &sqbr0;&sqbr0;&sqbl0;u+/- &sqbr0;&parr0; . At the n = 3 level we compute all of the zero-line differentials and prove two consequences: first, that a proposed finiteness result which holds at the n = 2 level cannot be extended to higher n; second, letting V(1) denote a finite spectrum with BP*V1=BP* /p,v1 , that if p > 3 then p*&parl0;Eh&parl0;&parl0;WF 0p3 &parr0;pkxFx p&parr0;3∧ V1&parr0; is of essentially finite rank. We also compute all of the zero-line differentials when n > 3 and k = 0.
Keywords/Search Tags:Continuous homotopy fixed point, Zero-line differentials
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