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Revision and phylogenetic analysis of Conotelus Erichson (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae)

Posted on:2010-05-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Wisconsin - MadisonCandidate:Price, Michele BFull Text:PDF
A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the genus Conotelus Erichson (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) is provided using comparative anatomical morphological characters of adults. The research is based on a taxonomic analysis of 24 species historically attributed to the genus. Thirty-three species comprise the genus as now defined with 15 new species. Conotelus parvulus Reitter remains insertae sedis. Three new synonyms are proposed: Conotelus femoralis Erichson (junior synonym of Conotelus spissicornis (Fabricius)), Conotelus nigricornis Sharp (in part junior synonym of Conotelus rufipes Murray), and Conotelus mexicanus Murray (junior synonym of Conotelus vicinus Erichson). Two species, Conotelus nitidus Murray and Conotelus guatemalenus Sharp, are transferred to the genus Halepopeplus Murray. Conotelus stenoides Murray and Conotelus brachypteroides Grouvelle are transferred to the genus Brachypeplus Erichson. A key to species of Conotelus, photographs, species descriptions, as well as distribution and natural history information are summarized.Cladistic analyses strongly support (99% bootstrap) Conotelus as a distinct monophyletic genus and show Conotelus further divided into two distinct clades (91-100% bootstrap). The synapomorphies for Conotelus include: (1) small (typically), subrectangular temples (2) pronotum with posterior angles obtuse and lateral margins not explanate (3) apical tibial spines small and dispersed and (4) abdomen long, tapering posteriorly, with sutures between tergites and paratergites subparallel.
Keywords/Search Tags:Conotelus, Erichson, Genus
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