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Clusters and covers: Geometric set cover algorithms

Posted on:2011-11-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of IowaCandidate:Gibson, Matthew RichardFull Text:PDF
GTID:1440390002964526Subject:Computer Science
We consider several geometric special cases of the set cover problem. The first problem we consider is the decomposing coverings problem. Here, we consider a combinatorial problem: given a collection of points in the plane and a collection of objects in the plane such that each point is contained in at least k objects, partition the objects into as many sets as possible so that each set covers all of the points. We show that if the objects are translates of a convex polygon, then it is possible to partition the translates into O( k) covers.;The second problem we consider is the planar sensor cover problem. This problem is a generalization of the decomposing coverings problem. We are given a collection of points in the plane and a collection of objects in the plane. Each of the objects can be thought of as a sensor. The sensors have a duration which can be thought of as the battery life of the sensor. The planar sensor cover problem is to schedule a start time to each of the sensors so that the points are covered by a sensor for as long as possible. We give a constant factor approximation for this problem. The key contribution to this result is a constant factor approximation to a one-dimensional version of the problem called the restricted strip cover (RSC) problem. Our result for RSC improves upon the previous best O(log log log n)-approximation, and our result for the planar sensor cover problem improves upon the previous best O (log n)-approximation.;The next problem we consider is the metric clustering to minimize the sum of radii problem. Here, we are given an n-point metric (P, d), and an integer k > 0. We are interested in covering the points in P with at most k balls so that the sum of the radii of the balls is minimized. We give a randomized algorithm which solves the problem exactly in nO(log n log Delta) time, where Delta is the ratio of the maximum interpoint distance to the minimum interpoint distance. We also show that the problem is NP-hard, even in metrics induced by weighted planar graphs and when the metric has constant doubling dimension.;The last problem we consider is the minimum dominating set problem for disk graphs. In this problem, we are given a set of disks in the plane, and we want to choose a minimum-cardinality subset of disks such that every disk is either in the set or intersects a disk in the set. For any epsilon>0, we show that a simple local search algorithm is a (1+epsilon)-approximation for the problem which improves upon the previous best O(log n)-approximation algorithm.
Keywords/Search Tags:Problem, Cover, Improves upon the previous, Algorithm, Metric, Log, -approximation
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