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Factorization rules in quantum Teichmuller theory

Posted on:2011-02-04Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Roger, JulienFull Text:PDF
For a punctured surface S, a point of its Teichmuller space T (S) determines an irreducible representation of its quantization Tq (S). We analyze the behavior of these representations as one goes to infinity in T (S), or in the moduli space M (S) of the surface. Our main result states that an irreducible representation of Tq (S) tend in an appropriate sense to a direct sum of representations of Tq (Sgamma), where Sgamma is obtained from S by pinching a multicurve gamma to a set of nodes. The result is analogous to the factorization rule found in conformal field theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:Irreducible representation
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