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Sub-optimal control of unsteady boundary layer separation and optimal control of Saltzman-Lorenz model

Posted on:2011-08-10Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Illinois Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Sardesai, Chetan RFull Text:PDF
GTID:1440390002953997Subject:Applied mechanics
The primary objective of this research is to explore the application of optimal control theory in nonlinear, unsteady, fluid dynamical settings. Two problems are considered: (1) control of unsteady boundary-layer separation, and (2) control of the Saltzman-Lorenz model. The unsteady boundary-layer equations are nonlinear partial differential equations that govern the eruptive events that arise when an adverse pressure gradient acts on a boundary layer at high Reynolds numbers. The Saltzman-Lorenz model consists of a coupled set of three nonlinear ordinary differential equations that govern the time-dependent coefficients in truncated Fourier expansions of Rayleigh-Renard convection and exhibit deterministic chaos.Variational methods are used to derive the nonlinear optimal control formulations based on cost functionals that define the control objective through a performance measure and a penalty function that penalizes the cost of control. The resulting formulation consists of the nonlinear state equations, which must be integrated forward in time, and the nonlinear control (adjoint) equations, which are integrated backward in time. Such coupled forward-backward time integrations are computationally demanding therefore, the full optimal control problem for the Saltzman-Lorenz model is carried out, while the more complex unsteady boundary-layer case is solved using a sub-optimal approach. The latter is a quasi-steady technique in which the unsteady boundary-layer equations are integrated forward in time, and the steady control equation is solved at each time step.Both sub-optimal control of the unsteady boundary-layer equations and optimal control of the Saltzman-Lorenz model are found to be successful in meeting the control objectives for each problem. In the case of boundary-layer separation, the control results indicate that it is necessary to eliminate the recirculation region that is a precursor to the unsteady boundary-layer eruptions. In the case of the Saltzman-Lorenz model, it is possible to control the system about either of the two unstable equilibrium points representing clockwise and counterclockwise rotation of the convection roles in a parameter regime for which the uncontrolled solution would exhibit deterministic chaos.
Keywords/Search Tags:Optimal control, Unsteady, Saltzman-lorenz model, Nonlinear, Separation
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