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Security solutions for cyber-physical systems

Posted on:2010-05-08Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Arizona State UniversityCandidate:Venkatasubramanian, Krishna KumarFull Text:PDF
GTID:1440390002487033Subject:Computer Science
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are sensing, communication and processing platforms, deeply embedded in physical processes and provide real-time monitoring and actuation services. Such systems are becoming increasing common in enabling many of the pervasive computing technologies that are becoming available today such as, smart-homes, smart-vehicles, pervasive health monitoring systems. Given the automation that CPSs introduce in managing physical processes, and the detail of information available to them for carrying out their tasks, securing them is of prime importance.;The following are the principal contributions of this dissertation: (1) a novel CYPSec solution for BANs (PSKA) - which combines physiological signal processing and cryptographic primitives for securing inter-sensor communication; (2) a benchmark of PSKA using Matlab to demonstrate its correctness and usable security design goal; (3) successful prototype of PSKA on Crossbow Mote platform as a part of Ayushman pervasive health monitoring test-bed, to demonstrate its viability on resource-constrained platforms in terms of computation, communication, memory and energy consumption requirements; (4) a CYPSec access control model for smart-infrastructures (CAAC)---which can facilitate dynamic and proactive emergency management by temporarily providing the required privileges to users without their explicit request; (5) a detailed formalization of CAAC, along with description of its policy specifications, and an example usage scenario on a smart-oil rig platform; and; (6) a prototype of CAAC as a part of the Ayushman test-bed to demonstrate its proactivity and adaptiveness design goals.;In this dissertation, a novel security paradigm for CPSs is proposed, called Cyber-Physical Security (CYPSec). CYPSec solutions are unique in that they take they take into account the environmentally-coupled nature of CPSs in enabling security solutions. This dissertation explores CYPSec solutions for two diverse but related problems. The first is a usable and secure key agreement protocol called Physiological Signal based Key Agreement (PSKA), which combines signal processing and cryptographic primitives to enable automated key agreement between sensors in a Body Area Network (BAN) without any form of external user involvement. It uses specific physiological stimuli-based features (Photoplethsymogram and Electrocardiogram) from the human body for its task. The second is an access control model called Criticality Aware Access Control (CAAC), which facilitates a more adaptive and proactive provisioning of authorizations---provide the right set of privileges for the right set of subjects, at the right time for the right duration - for managing emergencies within smart-infrastructures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Systems, Security, Solutions, CAAC, PSKA, Right
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