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The formation of Collaborative Inter-Organizational Networks

Posted on:2010-06-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:George Mason UniversityCandidate:O'Neil, Sean SFull Text:PDF
GTID:1440390002482903Subject:Political science
Collaborative Inter-Organizational Networks (CIONs) are part of a new trend to increase a community's---the combined organizations'---capacity to solve complex problems. This dissertation seeks to comprehend why initiatives to form public-sector led CIONs often fail to meet expectations. The methodology employed in the research is an organizational ethnography of a DoD/VA--led CION as well as expert interviews of individuals participating in the formation of other government-led CIONs. Findings confirm Wenger's participation-reification duality and suggest that a tension between these forces can undermine the formation of CIONs. Finally, an enactment model is introduced to better understand the phenomenon.
Keywords/Search Tags:Formation, Cions
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