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Classification of vector-valued modular forms of dimension less than six

Posted on:2010-08-09Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, Santa CruzCandidate:Marks, Christopher EdwinFull Text:PDF
The main purpose of this dissertation is to classify spaces of vector-valued modular forms associated to irreducible, T-unitarizable representations of the full modular group, of dimension less than six. Given such a representation, it is shown that the associated graded complex linear space of vector-valued modular forms is a free module over the ring of integral weight modular forms for the full modular group, whose rank is equal to the dimension of the given representation. An explicit basis is computed for the module structure in each case, and this basis is used to compute the Hilbert-Poincare series associated to each graded space.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vector-valued modular forms, Dimension less than six, Associated
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