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Lie methods in pro-p groups

Posted on:2010-08-07Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:State University of New York at BinghamtonCandidate:Snopce, IlirFull Text:PDF
The Lie ring method is the method of association of Lie algebras to groups. In this dissertation we use the Lie ring method to answer some questions related to pro-p groups. The crucial part of this dissertation consists of the solution of two problems; the first one related to normal zeta functions of pro-p groups, and the second one raised by Iwasawa.;The normal zeta function of a finitely generated (profinite) group G is given by the Dirichlet series z◃G (s) = n=1infinitya◃ n (G)n-s, where a◃n (G) denotes the number of normal subgroups of index n in G. We compute explicitly the normal zeta functions of the pro-p group SL12&parl0;F p[[t]]) and Ershov groups Q1 (s, r). As a corollary we get that Ershov groups Q1 (s, r) are normally isospectral with the group SL12&parl0;F p[[t]]), i.e. z◃SL1 2Fp t (s) = z◃Q1 s,r (s). This gives an affirmative answer to the following question: Is there an infinite family of non-commensurable normally isospectral pro-p groups?;For a positive integer n, let En denote the class of all (finitely generated) pro-p groups satisfying d(H) -- n = [G : H](d(G) -- n), for all open subgroups H of G, where d(H) denotes the minimal number of topological generators of H. In the 1980's, Iwasawa raised the question of determining all En -groups for n ≠ 1. We answer this question completely for pro-p groups of finite rank, where p > n + 1. The main result is given by the following theorem:;Theorem: Let n ≥ 2 be a positive integer and let p > n + 1 be a prime. A p-adic analytic pro-p group G belongs to the class En if and only if G is one of the following groups (up to isomorphism):;1. The abelian group G0, isomorphic to Znp , given by the presentation Gn0=x1,x 2,&ldots;,xn&vbm0; xi,xj=1 for1≤i,j≤ n. 2. The non-nilpotent (and meta-abelian) group, parametrized by s ∈ N Gn1 s=&angl0;x1,x2,&ldots; ,xn&vbm0;x1 ,xn=xps 1,&sqbl0;x2,xn&sqbr0;=xp s2,&ldots;,&sqbl0;xn-1,x n&sqbr0;=xpsn-1 and [xi, xj] = 1 for all the other combinations of i and j⟩.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pro-p, Lie, Method
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