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Gender,Science And Society

Posted on:2021-05-05Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:A H LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1369330620463249Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The scarcity of female scientists is not only the focus of social concern,but also the focus of academic research.As an important human resource in science and technology that has not been fully exploited and applied by the society,women have attracted the attention of more and more countries.Many countries,such as Europe and America,have raised the development of women's scientific potential to the strategic height of national science and technology policy and economic competition policy.Driven by the needs of social and scientific development,the number of women in the human resources of science and technology is increasing,and the proportion of men is getting smaller and smaller.In general,however,women are concentrated at the bottom of the scientific hierarchy,and a large number of them are still not fully tapped into their scientific potential.As a high-end talent in the field of science,studying the path of female doctors of science's growth and development will help further develop the potential of women in science.This paper studies Chinese early female Ph.D.s in science and investigates the social factors that influence women to become female doctoral scientists from the perspective of life course.The formation of professional belief in science,the acquisition of bachelor's degree in science,the acquisition of doctor's degree in science,and the work and achievements after obtaining doctor'sdegree in science are the key points that affect the life course of female doctors in science.On the basis of these four nodes,this paper discusses the social influencing factors of becoming a female doctor of science and giving full play to the scientific potential of female doctor of science from three aspects: individual,family and society.The belief of scientific profession influences the attitude and behavior of choosing and pursuing scientific profession.The formation of women's scientific career belief depends on the awakening of women's independent consciousness,women's self-affirmation of scientific ability and women's expectation of scientific career.From good wife and good mother to professional women's sense of independence by family,school and social gender enlightenment;Women's self-affirmation of scientific ability is influenced by the recognition of their scientific talent by individuals,families and schools.Women's expectations of careers in science are influenced by personal,family,and school perceptions of science and women scientists.Bachelor of science degree is the basic prerequisite for entering the profession of science,and also the foundation for entering the doctoral education of science.To obtain a bachelor's degree in science,women need not only to enter the door of higher science education,but also to complete the training of higher science education.The entrance of women into higher science education is influenced by individual's expectation ofreceiving higher science education,family's support of entering higher science education,and the opening of higher science education to women in schools.Women's completion of higher science education training is influenced by the professional and personal expectations and gender equality of higher science education environment.The degree of doctor of science is the highest level of science education and a common requirement for entry into academic work.To obtain a doctor of science degree,women not only need to obtain the opportunity of further education of doctor of science graduate students,but also need to complete the education training of doctor of science graduate students.Women's access to Ph D education is influenced by individual efforts,school recommendations and financial support.The completion of women's doctoral education and training in science is influenced by the individual's recognition of their own research ability,the family's understanding and support,and the supervisor's recognition and encouragement of their research ability.Entering the scientific community,especially the academic field,is the key to becoming a scientist with scientific contributions.To become a scientist,women need not only to have a scientific career but also to produce research results.The career of female science doctor is influenced by the persistence of personal science career belief and the opening of scientific career position to women.The researchachievements of female science Ph.D.s are influenced by gender-equal research opportunities and family understanding and support.Throughout the life course of Chinese early female Ph.D.s in science,we found that women in the process of becoming scientists always face the choices of traditional and modern,individual and society,career and family;eagering to be financially independent professional women and confidence in their scientific ability is the key to their success,equal gender social environment and cultural atmosphere is important factors for its success.
Keywords/Search Tags:gender, science, society, female Ph.D.s in science, China
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