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Research On The Theory Of Marx And Engels' Ideology

Posted on:2020-07-26Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:1366330614972201Subject:Marxist theory
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Marx and Engels' ideology can be seen as a whole,an ideological theoretical system,and one of the main contents of historical materialism.The first part of the thesis is the history of Marx and Engels' ideology.Marx and Engels' ideology has a process of gradual transformation from idealism to materialism,and further development and perfection.Marx's thought process before cooperation.First of all,In the middle school period,Marx had the thought seed of the unity of individual and community.During the University period,the independent existence and absolute status of absolute freedom,rationality,theoretical spirit and philosophy were established,religion was abandoned,and philosophical practical thinking was established,that is,philosophical criticism or theoretical spirit was used to "measure","individual existence" and "special reality " according to "essence" and "concept".That is to say,the universality of "essence" and "concept" is used to eliminate the contradiction between community and individual("individual existence" and "special reality").This critical thinking is the beginning of the later "alienation-return" thinking.Secondly,during The Rhine period,Marx practiced his idealistic philosophical criticism.On the one hand,he criticized reality on the basis of "universal rationality and freedom" and "the inherent laws of the object world",and found that there were ruling classes and interest groups everywhere who sought their own special interests by utilizing the communities of press,publishing,law,system and the state to damage the "universal interests".On the other hand,he also found that in the contradiction between the special interests and the general interests of the special groups and the community,the interests of the people as the ruled grade were all damaged.Therefore,Marx put forward "real newspapers","universal and true expressors of the legal essence of things" and "the essence of the state itself".At the same time,the concepts of "people's newspaper","people's will's self-expression" and "people's consciousness" have been put forward correspondingly,resulting in the contradiction between the universality and particularity of "universal rationality and freedom" and "people",but it has not been solved.Thirdly,in the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Law,Marx studied the problems arising during the Rhine Period by analyzing Hegel's state theory.On the one hand,he exposed Hegel's absolute concept of "logical,pantheistic mysticism",on the other hand,he also exposed the falsity that the monarchy has realized the identity of universal interests and special interests and believed that "only democracy is the real unification of universality and particularity ",that is,democracy implements "specific freedom".At this time,Marx established two basic contents and clues of ideological problems,namely,exposing the falsity of absolute spirit and how to unify universal interests and special interests,the latter being the basic contradiction of ideology.Fourth,starting with On the Jewish Question and Contribution to The Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Law Introduction,Marx established the status of "due" and "true" as well as the theoretical thinking of "alienation-return",exposed the falsity of "universal" things including religion and state,and revealed the defect of " the secular structure of the political state ",that is,the contradiction between universality and particularity.The latter was clearly expressed in Critical Marginal Notes on the Article "The King of Prussia and Social Reform.By a Prussian" as that the State Builds on the Contradiction of "Universal Interest and Private Interest".In Economic and Philosophic Manuscript of 1844,they used the idea of "alienation-return" completely,elaborated communism and human liberation in combination with the abandonment of private property under this idea,which solved the contradiction between universality and particularity of human life in an abstract sense.Engels' thought process before cooperation with Marx.First of all,from the period of Bremen's internship to the period of Berlin's military service,Engels' thought was similar to that of Marx's early period,which mainly affirmed the decisive role of idealism's free will and self-consciousness,and believed at the same time that under the guidance of free will,the whole country and its elements had been unified.He criticized the reality with these ideas and trains of thought.Secondly,during his internship in England,Engels discovered the class nature of political parties and the "conflict of material interests",realized that law was pure sophistry,exposed the essential characteristics of deception and hypocrisy in national economics,and raised the issue of alien forces in Outlines of A Critique of Political Economy.Thirdly,in the period of writing The Condition of England,he analyzed the class struggle in Britain,exposed the "nature of dissidence" of religion,clearly put forward the idea of "alienation-return",discussed different ways of treating the relationship between special interests and general interests in different national philosophies,put forward many ideological issues,and finally revealed that the essence of the state and the Constitution is "property is governing",and began to touch on the historical materialism.The course of thought after cooperation.Firstly,during the period from The Holy Family to Theses on Feuerbach,Marx and Engels' ideology changed rapidly.They preliminarily expounded in The Holy Family the historical materialism,abandoned the train of thought of alienation-return of essence,and expounded the bourgeois ideology,such as the defense of private property in national economics,the theory of the relationship between general interests and special interests.Secondly,they expounded in The German Ideology a relatively complete materialistic historical view,and comprehensively "liquidated" the German ideology and their own idealistic philosophy,formed a relatively complete ideological theory.Thirdly,after The German Ideology,in the process of actively participating in and guiding the real struggle of the proletariat,Marx and Engels created the theory of communism.In Manifesto of the Communist Party,they argued that universal interests and human liberation were really realized after the elimination of private ownership,class and state.Fourth,after Manifesto of the Communist Party,Marx's ideology mainly included exposing the ideological conditions of class struggle and the new form of bourgeois ideology,namely fetishism.In proletarian theory,he created the theory of surplus value,which made scientific socialism perfect finally.Engels focused on philosophical research,and discussed the realization of human liberation,the "independence" of ideology,the behavioral logic of religious ideology and the history of bourgeois revolutionary ideology,and so forth,which greatly enriched and perfected the theory of ideology.The second part of the thesis is a detailed description of historical materialism.The historical materialism and the theory of human liberation also belong to the "superstructure of ideas",but they are the theory of the proletariat,the "scientific ideology" as Lenin said,and the opposition of the "general ideology" and the ideology of the bourgeoisie which criticized by Marx and Engels.The historical materialism and the theory of human liberation as a science of history hold that through the Communist movement,private ownership and all alien forces can be eliminated,and the proletariat will inevitably be liberated.Because the proletariat bears the "whole human slavery system",the liberation of the proletariat as a special class means the liberation of the whole human race.Therefore,in the reconstruction of individual ownership,communism has realized the "real community" and the unification of special interests and general interests.The third part of the thesis is about Marx and Engels' theory of " Ideology in General " and bourgeois ideology.Although there is no complete independent expression,Marx and Engels' ideology theory constituted a rich and rigorous logical system.The first is the theory of " Ideology in General ".The main points and contents are as follows: The four-level essence of ideology,that is,ideology is the "universal" thought and concept reflecting the power of dissidence,is the "false concept" and "the existence of illusions,concepts,doctrines and assumptions",is the ideological activity of "establishing one's own relationship" in accordance with the "false concept" of "god" and "standard man",is the "hypocritical" "deception" of though and "rule of thought" that the ruling class "pretending its special interests as universal interests in a distorted form";From the epistemological point of view,the basic contradiction of ideology is the conflict between the universal consciousness form which demonstrated false community and false universal interest and the special interests of classes and interest groups;From the practical point of view,the basic contradiction of ideology is the conflict between the false community which safeguards the special interests of the rulers and the special interests of other ruled classes or strata in the community;Ideology has the characteristics of "universality","inversion of the end","false appearance of independence","no history" and formalization;Through borrowing and imitating,ideology is the condition in thought for the ruling class to create history and rule legally;The "curve" of ideology and the "red line" of economy form a contradictory relationship of interaction;Ideology has the relative independence of "obeying its own law";The producer of ruling class ideology,namely "ideologist",produces ruling class ideology;Law is the intermediary and inverted ideology for the ruling class to realize their "common interests" as the special class;Religion is the reflection of human fantasy and "emotional form" of dominating their alien forces,and serves as the "ideological coat" of the historical movement;Ideology can be overcome by revealing its secular basis and essence and "revolutionizing the existing world".The second is bourgeois ideology,which mainly includes the following contents: By means of " borrowing "," imitating " and " translating ",the bourgeoisie expressed the content of the new world and proves its legitimacy by utilizing the thought conditions that have occurred in history such as revolutionary traditions,thought relics and ideology;The bourgeois ideology has undergone a historical change from "cover up" to "open up";Class law is a law for realizing the special interests of the bourgeoisie;Bourgeois ideology shows such characteristics as fantasy,falsehood and deception in terms of freedom and general interests;National economics is hypocrisy and lies that conceal the contradiction of private property and defend the capitalist system;Bourgeois economics regarded production relations of capitalism as "pure rationality" and eternal unchangeable;Fetishism is the latest form of bourgeois economic ideology,and people who worship commodities,money and capital as fetish are fetishists.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Engels, Ideology, Historical Materialism, Human Liberation
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