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The Grammar Research Of Shenyang Dialect

Posted on:2021-05-27Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330623966477Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Apart from the introduction and conclusion,this article is divided into three parts with 12 chapters in total.The introduction contains three sections,the first section is the profile of Shenyang,the second section is the research review of Northeastern dialect and Shenyang dialect,the third section is the research objective,corpus source and style explanations.Part One is about the study on parts of speech in Shenyang dialect.It is described from these four aspects:noun,verb,adverb,preposition and conjunction.The Chapter One of nouns describes the word formation of nouns in Shenyang dialect,that is:Overlap,retroflex finals and attachment,as well as the description of the special kind of noun namely temporal words and postposition words in Shenyang dialect,it mainly discusses the reattachment process of the postposition word"li?".The Chapter Two mainly discusses the overlapping forms of verbs,including the special general verb"zheng?"in Shenyang dialect,and the verb"shu yu??"develop into a stressed discourse markers from a contain verb.The Chapter Three of adverbs mainly describes the frequency adverbs,scope adverbs,time adverbs and modal adverbs with characteristics of Shenyang dialect.The Chapter Four of preposition and conjunction introduces the Paratactic conjunction,selective conjunction,causal conjunction,hypothetical conjunction,conditional conjunction and transitional conjunction of the preposition system and conjunctions in Shenyang dialect.Part Two is about categorical analysis of Shenyang dialect.It discusses from three categories:deixis category,modal category and degree category.The Chapter Five is deixis category,it describes person deixis and behavior anaphora.The Chapter Six is modal category,it describes the modal system of Shenyang dialect from two aspects:modal word and modal structures,Modal words include these nine"yuan yi???de yi???xi huan???yuan yi???zhi ding???xi de???xing??dai??gan shi??".Modal structures includes"VC le VC??V de le V???X de guo leX????".The Chapter Seven is degree category,and degree adverb,degree complement and the degree of onomatopoeia are discussed respectively.The degree adverb includes"lao??zei??jing??qun??e??wa?",degree complement includes"qu le???wan le???lao le???pi le???gou qiang??",and degree onomatopoeia includes"aoao???wawa???gaga???wuwu??".Part Three is about case study of grammars in.The Chapter Eight describes the versatility and grammaticalization process of the temporal nouns"qian er??"and"tou er??"in Shenyang dialect.The Chapter Nine is the person inclusivity research of"zan men??"in Shenyang dialect.the Shenyang dialect word"zan men??"can be used to express exclusive semantics,that is to say,"zan men??"can be the expression of[1+3]personal referential mode,the condition is that the speakers who say"zan men??"must be sure that the listeners can clearly identify each individual included in the"zan men??"group,that means the reference of"zan men??"must have"identifiability"on individual referentiality.The Chapter Ten is the research on the phenomenon of preposition stranding.The phenomenon of preposition stranding in Shenyang dialect exists on a large scale,is the prominent grammatical structure in Shenyang dialect.This chapter describes the phenomenon of preposition stranding in Shenyang dialect,lists the rank sequence of preposition stranding in combination with those phenomena in other dialects,and discusses the constraints of preposition stranding from aspects including syntactic,the semantic and the pragmatic.The Chapter Eleven explains that there is subjective usage but no objective truth semantics in the expression of"lia?"in Shenyang dialect,thus it doesn't mean number"two".The expression of"lia?"is an unexpected modal marker,it bring subjective surprise to the sentence,the evolution process is through the position of the adjacent sentence after the preposition,then the context of the unexpected modality is reanalyzed,and finally ended up by the analogical extension.The Chapter Twelve is the multiple usage of"neng?"and its evolution in Shenyang dialect."neng?"is developed from substantive verb,and the dynamic modal usage appears first,then the moral modal usage and the cognitive modal usage are developed.The usage of"neng?"is unique in Chinese dialects,but its evolution conforms to the rules of world language development.Through the case description of"neng?"in Shenyang dialect,the modal semantic map of modern Chinese dialect can be supplemented and refined.The conclusion points out the shortcomings of this article and the prospect of future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shenyang Dialect, Grammar, Grammaticalization, Sychronic Study, Diachronic Study
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