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Research On Construction And Translation Model Of Core Lexical Chunks In CPC Literature

Posted on:2020-06-27Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z W KangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330590971471Subject:Foreign Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The lexical chunk is a prefabricated sequence with fixed form and complete semantic meaning,which can be stored,extracted and used as a whole in language use.Translation relates not only code-switching between languages,but also the cognitive and thinking modes behind the code.As a language unit and thinking unit with the characteristic of psychological prefabrication,lexical chunks have obvious advantages in translation activities.Taking the lexical chunks as the starting point,based on the translation of CPC literature,this paper carries out the research on construction and translation model of the core lexical chunks in the CPC literature.This paper studies the selection,extraction of the core lexical chunks and the Russian translation in the Reports on the work of the Government from 2014 to 2018.The text is divided into five chapters.The first chapter is introduction,which introduces the cause of topic selection,research tasks,research methods and review on domestic and overseas researches,including the overview of relevant theories about lexical chunks,the research summary of lexical chunks,and the research summary of CPC literature translation studies.In the second chapter,based on the theory of lexical chunks and the characteristics of the Report on the work of the government,we have defined and extracted the core lexical chunks and established their hierarchy.This paper holds that the core lexical chunk in CPC literature is prefabricated sequence consisting of consecutive or nonconsecutive,two or more words with fixed semantic meaning,which can be stored and extracted as a whole in documents.Its content is mainly about the socialist theory system with Chinese characteristics,covering aspects of politics,economy,culture,society,national defense,diplomacy and Party building in China.The core lexical chunks in CPC literature include first-level lexical chunks,second-level lexical chunks and third-level lexical chunks.The first-level lexical chunks are collocations,idioms,proper nouns and abbreviations.The second-level lexical chunks include phrase frames and predicate frames.The third-level lexical chunks are proverbs,common saying,aphorisms and sentence groups.Chapter Three discusses translation of chunks from a cognitive perspective.This chapter summarizes the main points of cognitive linguistics,cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics as well as their relationship with translation,and explains the cognitive translation views of different scholars.We think that the cognitive translation theories provide two enlightenments for the study of chunk translation: one is to simulate the information processing model in cognitive psychology for exploring the process of transformation of bilingual chunks;second is to explore the translation of chunks from the perspectives of participants which involved in translation activities and the reality of language production.On this basis,we have proposed the process flow chart of chunk translation.In Chapter Four,based on the classical models of translation theory and the theoretical basis of Chapter Three,we have constructed the cognitive translation model of the core lexical chunks in CPC literature.This model features the dominant effect of the source chunks and their corresponding translations as a whole translation unit in the memory processing system.The model also reflects the influence of linguistic symbols,logical thinking,contextual relations,sociocultural and intersubjectivity cognition on the target and strategy selection of chunk translation.Besides,on the basic of examples,this chapter makes a detailed analysis of the content of each cognitive level and comments on the construction of translation model.The fifth chapter is conclusion.It looks forward to the application prospects of the construction of the core lexical chunks in the CPC literature,and proposes the followup research ideas of this topic.In general,drawing on the theories of lexical chunks and the cognitive translation,this paper discusses the construction and translation model of the core lexical chunks in CPC literature,which have certain theoretical value and innovative significance.It is hoped that through this research,the translation of important concepts in CPC literature can be standardized and translation of CPC literature can be more automated and mechanized.
Keywords/Search Tags:lexical chunk, core lexical chunk in CPC literature, construction, cognitive translation model
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